速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Swimming Pool Design Ideas

Swimming Pool Design Ideas





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Swimming Pool Design Ideas(圖1)-速報App

swimming has become an absolute necessity for now. This one sports facility has become a favorite of many people and is a lifestyle that is in great demand. In addition, the design of some of the swimming pools below is very harmless to apply at home, because having a private swimming pool in your own home is now widely available in the community, especially in the upper middle class. The construction of this swimming pool is certain to use existing foundations and land, is it good or not.

In this application presents a minimalist and modern swimming pool design idea. A minimalist style private swimming pool is not only a sports service, but also counts as being able to spoil the eyes and add to the impression of a different home. the design of the swimming pool towards a modern minimalist home design is calculated to be able to include a garden which is a green land for a house unless there is actually no more land available. It is possible to contain two uses at a time in one room.

Swimming Pool Design Ideas(圖2)-速報App

Swimming Pool Design Ideas(圖3)-速報App

Swimming Pool Design Ideas(圖4)-速報App